Thursday, April 1, 2010

Home Work Assignment #1

#1 Molly Weasley
I like her aclectic flare. Her best qualities are true caring and honesty. Her strength in family and of course the very cool jumpers she wears!!!! This sounds very wierd but the house they created for her and the family I feel is very charming (No pun intended).
#2 Luna Lovegood.
I think her best quality is her self confidence and independence. I also love her style and quirkyness. Of course her vast knowledge of all that is wierd.
#3 Professor Snape.
I know with the first two this choice seems odd. But I think that in his character he is very quiet and secretly very loyal to Dumbledore. He was very good at potions and think that is very cool! Besides the fact that he is easy on the eyes (hee hee).

I love most everything about the book and all the characters. They are all very creative and fun!